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The StrongHold Called Tradition

A stronghold is a place of power, a stronghold is a fortress, a place of strength, a stronghold is a place that is difficult to attack and very easy to defend.

No wonder the bible says though we walk in the flesh but do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

There is a stronghold know as tradition. Mathew 15:6-  Thus have ye made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition.

A stronghold of tradition is so strong that it has the power to make the commandment of God of no effect, it can nullify the commandment in the life of any person.

Mark 7:9- And He said unto them, full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition.

They reject that of God so that they can keep their own tradition. When I begin to look at things like this I cry because a black man has a long way to go.

And you will see that the devil has worked very hard on our forefathers so deep and I believe that it is only by divine intervention that some people can be set free if not they will just go from sorrow to sorrow and from sorrow to grave!

The church in the black man territory has been arrested by chains of idolatry and evil traditions. It is a lamentable tragedy that the culture and tradition of our various community in the black race has been hijacked and polluted by Satan.

If you look back at festac 1977 when all Africa country came to Nigeria you will see a display of evil cultural dance all in the name of tradition so you don’t need to know the devastating effect maybe that is why Africa is still like this.

Let me tell you a true life story. A man-made sacrifice to idol called orhomila before travelling abroad actually he just got married three years later he died by a push from a lady and the family wept later on they consulted the spirit to know the cause of his death it was discovered that it was even the idol that directed the bullet of darkness that causes his death.

So if you are involved in such practices by carrying masquerade, idol worship because of tradition, you are looking for a trouble you cannot manage because it goes down to the fourth generation.


Tradition is an unwritten body of belief or facts or an unwritten body of customary practices handed down from generation to generation.

The tradition is a long establish belief, is the way people behave and acts, tradition shows itself in the life of people or in the moral and philosophy of the people.

Some of our traditions are good and biblical but the majority of them are full of iniquities. One good area of pollution which a tradition is available in all race is the ritual.

Anybody who is a good thinker and you travel a lot you will cry when you look at the black race and wonder what is wrong with Africa.

when you go to other places light and water are available, I read an article of how light went off in new york and 39 people died but here in Nigeria is a regular thing darkness is becoming our culture we have to reject it.

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