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Most Effective Ways To Overcome The Tragic School Of Oppression

The oppression of the enemy in human lives are in different categories such as the following:

1: Obsession: This is a situation where dark powers capture somebody’s mind and thoroughly subject it to their control and evil manipulation.

The person only heds their words, suggestions and evil command. Therefore the victim keeps making the same mistakes or terrible decisions and repeating them. This is strange.

2: Possession: Dark powers move into the soul of the person and take control of the will of the person.

This is why sometimes on deliverance ground if you tell a candidate he has done, he will say that he did not do it. It is because he is not in charge.

Also Read: What You Need to Know About The Anchors Of Captivity

3: Depression: This is a situation where the enemy places a heavy load on the spirit and soul of a person. The Bible calls it the spirit of heaviness, so the person becomes sad, sorrowful, and low in spirit.

He becomes discouraged and hopeless, but thank God for the bible that says, “He gives beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”

Depressed persons avoid people because they do not want to talk to anyone. They may smile but it is just a plastic smile.

It does not come from the heart because the spirit of heaviness has taken hold of them.

4: Suppression: This involves the subjugation of the body, soul and spirit by an unseen power. The victim appears to be pinned down and is not free to operate or rise.

The person gets to an interview and is asked a question that he should know but he is confused or completely lost.

The bible says the whole world lieth in wickedness.
It did not say part of it but the entire world.

A lot of wickedness goes on daily around us but there is an assurance in the word of God that says the eyes of the Lord are always over the righteous.

5: Oppression: This is the one that troubles almost 95% of the people. People in the possession group are in the majority.

The enemy that oppresses is not interested in killing you unless you allow him.

Forces of oppression want to make life unbearable for you by introducing sicknesses, infirmities, poverty and all kinds of problems to make life very uncomfortable for you.

This is what is know as oppression, it is to limit your capacity to function well.  What does the Bible say about demonic depression?

There is a deep scripture in Ecclesiastes 7:7 which says “Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad and a gift destroyeth the heart”

When an evil load is programmed into the life of a person, it will definitely limit that person. That is why we pray that owners of evil load should carry their load.

Many people do not understand this. Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke, for my yoke, is easy and my burden is light.”
It means that there are heavy burdens that people carry.

The Power Of Oppression

Oppression has the capacity to disgrace the wise and rubbish the intelligent ones. It has the capacity to hoodwink the wise. So oppression can be likened to malaria.

You need a microscope to detect the malaria parasite in the blood of a human being. And as tiny as mosquitoes are, the parasite from them can render a person helpless no matter how muscular, tall, strong, handsome or beautiful he or she is.

Malaria makes you helpless as a baby. That is what oppression can do. It makes a human being to act unreasonably. It has the capacity to put intelligence to shame.

Oppression has maddening power, it has disgracing power, it has a limiting power. It also has embarrassing power, it has killing power, it has depressing power.

It has masquerading power to deceive and punish his candidate. Oppression makes a wise man mad. Wise people are troubled by the ways of the wicked.


1: When oppression is in place there will be an uncontrollable feeling of hatred.
2: There will be fear and blasphemous thought against God.
3: There will be horrible dreams.
4: There will be suicidal thought.
5: There will be drowsiness and the person may be prone to accident.
6: Addiction night set in especially of drugs.
7: There will be a lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem to do anything worthwhile.

Sometimes, it would seem as if there is a band tied around the person’s head and he or she may be hearing strange voices.

Whatever has the capacity to make a wise person foolish should not be toyed with.

The enemy raises storms when he sees your name in the plan of God. Many people are simply out of their minds because of oppression.

A man sought help somewhere because he had cancer and he was told to go and sleep with his younger sister so that cancer would not kill him. He objected but they told him that was what the oracle said.

Yet three months after doing it, cancer killed him. How can somebody rod eggs all over your naked body and say you should cook the eggs and eat them to solve your problem?

A lady did it and I ask her why?. She answered because I wanted a husband. She ate the satanic eggs and another level of oppression started. That is the maddening power of oppression.

I want you to know that madness only listens to the voice of a level higher of madness.
Violence will only yield to the control of a higher violence so, the maddening power of oppression can only be silenced by a higher power.

It is the only power of Jesus that can tame the maddening power of oppression.

Whatever has the capacity to make a wise person foolish should not be toyed with.

Oppression by the enemy can raise unprofitable conflict against you and also fight you to submission or give you up.

It makes you forget you have master Jesus. It can make you lose focus, so this article is for those who are tired of being tired. It is for those who want to defeat the tormentors.

It is for those who are sick and have been crying, when shall their deliverance come?. It is for those who have a congregation of witchcraft barking against them.

It is for those who have familiar spirits that will not let them go. It is for those who been denied access to their rightful place in life. It for those whose bodies have been destroyed by evil spiritual doctors.


1: They are problem expanders.
2: They are star hunters.
3: They are destiny killers
4: They are evil spies
5: They are head and brain manipulators.
6: They are money swallowers.
7: They are progressing arresters.
8: They are satanic ministers.
9: They are poverty activators.
10: They include coffin spirits, vagabond anointing, the spirit of death and hell, witchcraft powers, desert spirits, givers of evil marks, marriage killers, territorial demoters, household wickedness, evil plantations multiple curses and covenants.


1: You must repent of every known sin
2: You need to exercise holy madness against the oppressors in prayers.


1: Powers of oppression I am not your candidate die in the name of Jesus.
2: Owners of evil load of oppression hear the word of the Lord, carry your load in the name of Jesus.
3: Arrows of oppression fired into my life in the dream hear the word of the Lord jump out in the name of Jesus.

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