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How to deal with the mystery power of guardian demon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What we are looking at very briefly is what I call the Mystery of Guardian Demon, I want you to pray the following prayer points seriously before we continue.


Every power twisting my testimony, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Every wicked gathering assigned to make me fail, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of darkness, assigned to limit my destiny, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

In Heb. 1:13;
But to which of the angels said He at any time, site on my right hand until I make Thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministers for them who shall be heirs of salvation.

So angles are ministering spirits Angles have been sent forth to minister to heirs of salvation. There are plenty of angels moving among us.

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It is another thing whether you know them or you see them or you recognize them. That is why the Bible says it is possible to entertain an angel unaware. That is why it is also dangerous to talk to anybody you do not know anybody.

You may be addressing the angel of the living God. There are about three hundred references to the angel in the Bible. Jesus Christ spoke often about the angle.

An angel also ministered to Jesus. The reason many of us do not recognize angles is that we have a preconceived idea of what we think they should look like.

If you are expecting somebody to appear to you with two wings at the back then you will not see an angle. Angles of God are very powerful, so powerful that one angle slew one hundred and eighty-five Assyrians in one battle.

Say, my Father, release your angles of fire to fight my battle in the name of Jesus.

In the Scriptures, angels of God have been known to deliver people in many instances. It was an angle that ministered to Haggai and Ishmael.

It was two angles who rescued Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah before the destruction. It was an angel of God that stopped Abraham from sacrifice Isaac.

A lot of problems would remain or keep coming back until these guardian demons are dealt with. If this spirit followed you to an interview, you come back disappointed. If they follow a person to an exam hall there would be problems. They follow you to your wedding, there would be a problem.

It Was an angel of God that wrestled with Jacob all night and changed his name to Israel.

Somebody is reading this today, the angel that will change your name to a miracle will appear in your life in the name of Jesus

It was an angel of God that gave Moses the name of the burning bush. That he was observing. It was an angel of God that is leading the children of Israel in the wilderness. It was an angel of God that appears to Gideon and commissioned him for his work.

It was an angel that brought food to Elijah when there was a famine in Israel. It was an angel of God that delivered Daniel in Lion’s den. It was an angel of God that preserved the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace.

It was an angel of God that opened the prison for Paul and Silas and said go and preach the message of Christ. It was an angel of God that rescued Peter from prison at the night he was to be slain. It was an angel that gave Herod a dirty slap and a disease finished him off.

In the Bible, the assignment of an angel is well mapped out. The same as the demon. They did mot only execute God’s wrath against disobedient people, but they delivered people from danger. And you see, if you understand this principle very well, then what we were saying is very, very clear.

Roughly there are seven kinds of angels. Others could have other classifications

The Messengers

Angles who deliver messages like Gabriel in the Bible who delivered the message to Zechariah about the birth of John Baptist.

There are warrior angles

They fight; an example was Micheal in the Bible who was in the book of Daniel helped an angel that was bringing the answers to Daniel’s prayers.

Some angles are witnesses. Unseen witnessing angels came and ministered to people

Angles who are agents of God’s judgment When there is judgment, like the angel that slew the firstborn of Egyptians.

There are worshiping angels

They worship God. Lucifer was one of those angels.

There are throne angels.

Divine throne angels, they are by the throne of God.

There are Guardian angels

They guard. A guardian angel is an angel assigned to protect and to guide a particular person. According to the teaching of the Scriptures, immediately a baby is born, an innocent baby, an angel is assigned to that child to help that child through life.

Whether that angel remains with that child or not, depends on the parents or the kind of faith they post the child into. That is why sometimes the children see what an adult does not see because it was the angel that was with them who show them.

When a guardian angel is assigned to you and you pass that age of innocence you can now recognize what it means to commit willful sin and you decide to be committing them, then the guardian angel assigned to you will now take the back seat and once that guardian angel will take over.

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Herein lies a great problem to many and this is what we want to deal with.

Do people have guardian angels?

They say a resounding Yes! Matthew 18:10 Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven”.

So those children have their guardian angels.

In Acts 12:15;
“And they said unto her, thou art mad, but she constantly affirmed that it was even so, then said they it is his angel.

So they too are aware that unto individual a guardian angel is assigned.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”I pray for anyone whose guardian angel has departed that whatever in your life, that has chased the angel away, shall be buried.” quote=”I pray for anyone whose guardian angel has departed that whatever in your life, that has chased the angel away, shall be buried.”]

There is an entity known as a guardian demon. It is assigned to people to the way God assigns His angel. That guardian demon is the demon that is in charge of the victim’s ancestors. Is in the custodian of the person.

That guardian demon represents the person in the spirit realm and sometimes bears his name. That guardian demon sometimes will stand at the head of the victim. Those guardian demons sometimes appear to people in their dreams.

This guardian demons would stand to manipulate the destiny of the person to their wish. They are like satanic Aide-Camp, satanic protocol offices. Those guardian demons they are the custodian of information about demons they are the custodian of the victims and his ancestors.

This guardian demon they represent the negative part of the life of the person and enforce evil upon the person. The tragedy is that most people are not aware that there are such things.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Those with prophetic eyes sometimes get very worried. You see somebody coming for prayers then something is following the person. ” quote=”Those with prophetic eyes sometimes get very worried. You see somebody coming for prayers then something is following the person. “]

I have looked at people in the eyes and say someone followed you here. They looked back and say there is nobody here. Sir, it is because they could not see.

Story by Dr.D.K Oluloya

I had a case like that many years back. This man came for prayers. His mother dragged him for prayer and as he stood, a light-complexioned lady standing behind him was carrying a coffin. I say, young man, somebody followed you here, who is that person? He said nobody followed me,

Sir. I started to pray, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say, son do not waste your time in this prayer, this man forced that girl to abort some pregnancies and now gone to marry somebody else in the process of the abortion this lady died.

Say do you see the coffin on her head within twenty-four hours this fellow is entering into that coffin? Holy Spirit said son, do not waste your time in the prayer. It’s sad. But what can you do? You are not the one that answers the prayer.

You just pray. So when you get information from heaven like that you just pray the righteous man prayer. Father, bless your son, thank you Jesus. Amen. Within twenty-four hours, he was dead, killed by the guardian demon following him.

If you can pray well, the Holy Ghost would use your prayer as a raw material to do great works.

Why did certain problems stick to some people and those people avoid where they can be delivered? There are some people now if you say Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, they say, no I do not want to go to that place.

They have this morbid hatred, a satanic hatred for where they could be delivered. Why? Despite hot prayer, hot bible confession some people come back and say the problem is still there?

Why do some problem stage a comeback? You prayed them off before they have gone. All of a sudden they are back again. Why did some evil spirits stick to a certain environment?

Why do some people see particular evil entities in their dream? Why should deed relatives pursue people in the dream? Why did people see a snake, crocodile, snails, and all kinds of other strange creatures in the dream? Why do people attach themselves to certain people when they know that, that person is destroying their lives.

I know a woman, when she got married they gave her a little girl to take along but the little girl was becoming stubborn so the husband said this little girl must leave this place.

The woman said if she is going am going. And the man threw out the little girl and the wife followed the little girl and left. Why are there some elderly people who are unable to take any concrete decisions until they have seen their father or their mother? Why should a man chase out his wife in the bedroom and put his mother in the bedroom because the mother is visiting?

The wife will sleep in the parlor and the mother sleeps on the same bed with him in his bedroom? Why should an adult, at the age of twenty-one be holding on lovely to the teddy bear he used twenty years ago? Why do we see the following passages in the Bible?

In Psalm 129:4, the Lord is righteous; he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked?

Who is the owner of the cords? What is he using the cords for?

In Isaiah 5:18, Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope.

So there is a cord held by the guardian demon. And that represents a link between a person and an evil spirit. The guardian demon may be representing the family idol.

It may be representing the family curse. This is why we need very serious prayers. There are some they are always amongst particular friends. Many have spiritual telephones lines from where wrong messages pour into their souls.

The question is who is pouring these wrong messages into their souls? The guardian demons.

A lot of problems would remain or keep coming back until these guardian demons are dealt with. If this spirit followed you to an interview, you come back disappointed.

If they follow a person to an exam hall there would be problems. They follow you to your wedding, there would be a problem. There is something called a remote control system in the spirit realm, controlling people from afar.

You need to pray and cut off all their telephone wires and communications from your system and your life. A lot of people have been pulled around by the rope of a guardian demon.

If you allow them to continue, very soon they would make a person the dumping ground. There are many things happenings around us that the natural eye cannot see.

I pray that anyone who is being followed about and the enemy is shaking away all the goodness that is in your hands, you shall be delivered in the name of Jesus.

When a person is under these evil followers, the guardian demons, there is a certain manifestation that would be happening in a person’s life;

You will discover that the pattern of failure, the pattern of sickness, the patterns of bad luck in Daddy and Mummy’s life is transferred to you.

The person would notice that he need to fight very hard to achieve a little success. To enter into school problems, to pass a problem, to find a job problem.

Even to serve God is problem. They won’t allow you to do it. They create all kinds of hindrances. They put stumbling blocks on your way.

The question is; the devil cannot be everywhere at the same time. Only God can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time. And because the devil cannot be everywhere at the same time, he needs agents to work with demon.

These are the guardian demons to distribute from person to person follows people around. These are dangerous times beloved, we are moving to the end of the age and the activities of this power are doubled in intensity.

They would attract bad luck and get the person confused. Certainly, if you are a woman, and you have a guardian demon after you, you should begin to look for a husband because if you do not pray that demon of the men who would come to you will be brought to you by this guardian demon.

The same thing with the man. They will be the one bringing the women to you and you would find them so beautiful so handsome not knowing that there is an agenda, a plan.

There would be difficulty in growing spiritually. You find that you try you best you try hard to grow spiritually but you fall again. You struggle but the struggle is not getting you anywhere.

You can memorize anything but memorize the word of God becomes difficult. because an evil farmer is throwing away the seed from your heart.

You notice that when things go wrong, you would be the one they say you caused it, whereas you had nothing to do with it. They would blame you for an offense you have not committed. You would be the one they would be pointing to.


When a good thing is available they try their best to either make the good thing miss you or you miss that good thing. If there are four hundred good things to distribute to four hundred people they make sure you come in as number four hundred and one.

The prayer today is a very serious one because each person has a minimum of thirty ancestors, that you need to deal with. Each of them probably with their guardian demon. Meaning that you may need to cope with thirty-one of them.

The Bible says that the follower of anti Christ, they shall have a mark on their head and you cannot buy or sell unless you have the mark on your own. No matter where you run to, no matter where you are the guardian demon assigned would be able to locate you.

All the demonic ties that people enter into, they are supervised by this guardian demon. Those who have been tied to all kinds of strange things, funny things, is this spirit that is in charge? We need to wage war against these powers.

We need to tell God, Father, the kind of guardian angel I want is an angel from heaven not the spirit of my ancestors, not the powers of my father’s house. Whatever I have done that has kept the angles away and brought these demons to close I cut it off from my life.


Repentance: You must repent from every known sin because all sinners are pushing away heaven from their souls. And heaven does not like to behold sin. God loves the sinner but he hates the sin.

The Bible says; a sinner destroys much good. All sinners are fighting God. They are grouping with the devil to fight God. Sin is a terrible thing you need to repent. When Jesus was born, plenty of rejoicing angles were there saying; Glory be to God, for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

When Jesus rose from the dead, the angles were at the cemetery told those looking for Jesus; it is not here. Why are you looking for the living among the dead? But when Jesus was on the cross to carry the sin of mankind all the angels vanished.

They ran away. Even God the Father turn away His face. It shows you how terrible sin is.

The food of the guardian demon is sin. And if you do not repent from it they don’t leave you alone. That is why some people keep repeating deliverance. You do a deliverance, the next thing you lose your temper and fight, bark at people, the demons come back.

After the deliverance, you went to a party you should not go to, they dropped something in your drink, you slept off they raped you; back to square one. Some go on and begin to drink again, they all come back. On the deliverance, you removed all the hair of dead people you put on your hair and you got you’re your breakthrough after the deliverance you now bought more hair of the dead and the goat and sheep. You attach it again, demons come back.

Because that head is the symbol of your destiny and you are playing with it. After deliverance, you go and start running you go and start running after other men’s wife those spirits will come back.

Unfortunately, ninety percent of human beings, including pastors, so-called Christians lost their guardian angel from heaven a long time ago; what they are left is the guardian demon.

You need to command that guardian demon to flee from you. Is a command, aggressive command get out of my life and come back no more.

Spoil the devil’s house by taking back everything he had stolen from you.

Barricade your life with prayer, the Word of God, and holiness. Those three things are the barricading powers. You cannot say; I will pray but I will not read the Bible or you say I will do the two but I will not live a holy life.

All the demons are ancestral so you have to battle them. No wonder God told Abraham to get out of your country, your kindred your father’s house you must leave so that they can leave you alone.


1Ladder of darkness in my life, die in the name of Jesus.

2 Every arrow of constant failure in my life, die in the name of Jesus

3 Dark angel, assigned against my life, let me go in the name of Jesus

4 By the Blood of Jesus, I separate my life from the guardian demon in the name of Jesus.

5 Power of guardian demon of my father’s house, die in the name of Jesus.

6 Demonic umbrella, covering my glory, you are a liar, fall and die, in the name of Jesus.

7 Every demonic calendar working contrary to God’s calendar about my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

8 Agenda of guardian demon to truncate my divine calling, your time is up dying, in the name of Jesus.

9 0 God arise, release your angle of fire and destruction to pursue every guardian demon following me about in the name of Jesus

10 Every demonic messenger of my father’s house, mother’s house, in-law’s house, my community, my town assigned to reveal my affairs to the kingdom of darkness, somersault and die, in the name of Jesus

Remember only the truth can make you free John 8:32[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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