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Genesis Of Evil Inheritance

Genesis of Evil Inheritance. Brother Joseph was a born again, tongue-speaking, Holy Spirit-filled Christain, but he was going through some hardship. Whenever he prayed serious prayer about his situation, he would dream seeing himself slaughtering fowl. Anytime he dreamt of this one of his children would physically die.

Three of his children died in the process. Why was this happening? Unknowingly to him, he inherited wizardry from his parents who operated in witchcraft and wizardry spirit.

Also Read: Thou Art Loosed From Thy Infirmity

“Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgement (i.e they will be judged after death by their sins); and some men they follow after (i.e their children will inherit their sins)-1Timothy 5:24.

Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand (i.e they enjoy the blessing of their good labour), and they that are otherwise cannot be hidden (their descendants will enjoy the blessing of their labour)2Timothy 5:25.

When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which first dwelt in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also-2Timothy 1:5.

Timothy inherited the faith that was started by his grandmother and his mother, so for him to be in faith was not difficult because of the good foundation laid by his ancestors. You must also discover all the evil things you have inherited from your ancestors(Psalm 109:14,15)
Let us examine Abraham’s lineage:

In Genesis 11:26-“And Terah lived seventy years and begat Abraham………….
In Genesis 21:5-“And Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born unto him”.
In Genesis 25:21-“And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren”.
In Genesis 29:31-“And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Racheal was barren”.

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From the above passages, we can see that barrenness was an inheritance in Abraham’s lineage.

In Genesis 20:2, Abraham lied about his wife.
In Genesis 26:7, Isaac lied about his wife.
In Genesis 27, Jacob became a fraudster. He was a 419 that Lebam also dealt with him.
In Genesis 37:29-36, the sons of Jacob lied to him that Joseph had been killed.

Immediately Abraham lied in Genesis 20:2, the genetic coding of sincerity in Abraham had been altered and started transmitting from generation to generation. Any sin committed will be coded in the blood and become evil inheritance in following generations.” God layeth up his iniquity for his children”-Job 21:19. But Thank God for the blood of the Lamb that is speaking for us day and night.

Entrenched occurrences of evil or negative trends in the family and in one’s life e.g. poverty, suicide, untimely death, hardship, depression, divorce, constant sickness, infidelity, alcoholism, addiction, marital stagnation, late marriages, barrenness etc.

Evil inheritance can be from one family to the other, or community/town. The root of evil inheritance includes idolatry, evil covenant, evil dedication, blood covenant, curse, occultism, slavery, wickedness, blood shedding, laying of hands etc.
1. You must be born again. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, if not His name and blood will not work for you.
A. Physically: Deuteronomy 32:7; Job 8:8,9; Lamentation 3:39- 40. Ask your father, mother and your elders about evils of your family and community.
B. Spiritually: Daniel 2:22; Matthew 10:26; Jeremiah 33:3- Ask God in prayer and fasting what brought evil inheritance into your life and that He should reveal to you.

3. Repentance: Acts 3:19; Jeremiah 3:13. Acknowledge the evil in your life, family and community and cry for mercy.
4. Appropriate the name and blood of Jesus Christ.
5. Go for deliverance if necessary to cast out demons behind it.
1. O Lord in your mercy reveal to me the root of what I am passing through (mention).
2. O Lord have mercy on me and forgive me all the evil deeds of my ancestors that brought evil upon me.


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