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When God Watches over You

I used to be a quiet boy when I was in school and I was winning prizes and awards for the quietest boy of the year until one day when I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, then the quietness ran away. There was a boy called Olu, and it was as if I was a slave to that boy.

Whenever I buy roasted plantain to eat, the boy would decide which one I was going to eat and the one he would take, be it peanuts he would divide it, take his own and give me whatever he felt I could have.

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Anytime I said no, this is my money, I will receive a serious beating. This has been going on for a while until one day something said to me, “if you allow this to continue, this is how you will be going hungry in the class every day”.
One day, I bought my roasted plantain, as usual, he said: surprise,” can I have the roasted plantain?”

I replied “what do you mean” before he could look at my face I gave him the first blow, and before he could stand up from where he fell, I was on him, then surprise, found out that he was now begging me to leave him alone. That was how I rescued myself from his hands.

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I AM NOT ENCOURAGING PHYSICAL FIGHT, but with this story, if God watches you every time and protects you from all winds that are blowing you will never grow. So because of that, God allows contrary winds to blow against us occasionally.

(Exodus 14:19) And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them:

This passage tells us that the Angels of the living God moved behind the camp and no matter who you are as a Christian, this happens to all believers.

A time comes when the Angel that is leading you moves to the back and it appears as if God has abandoned you in the fire of affliction whereas the reason the angel went behind was to confuse and to destroy the enemy so that you too can gather strength.

WHENEVER IT SEEMS THAT GOD IS ON HOLIDAY OR KEEPING QUIET, please don’t give up, don’t quit, because when things go tough, and in the middle of the storm God is there. WITH JUST ANOTHER BLOW YOU MIGHT SUCCEED, AND YOU WILL SURELY WIN IN JESUS NAME.
Proverbs 4:10…. If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

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