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The Benefits And Danger Of Not Hearing From God

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One tragedy that can happen to a man or woman is for him or her to lose the signal of heaven. God is a communicator, He says

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and I will sup with him and he with me” Revelation 3:20

God communicates His mind concerning life issues. He communicates His will to you so you know what He wants you to do.

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He communicates His purpose to you so you know when certain is happening and why He is doing certain things too. He communicates divine instruction to you so you know the way to go.

He communicates His agenda for your life to you so you do not live a useless life. Any life lived outside the divine agenda is a wast. You may be rich or popular, it is still a wast.

As far as that life is lived outside divine agenda it is as good as dead. God communicates a divine warning to us.

He communicates His correction to us. He communicates understanding to us. The day you begin to hear from God that is the day your progress as a Christian begins.

You will not get far if you are deaf and dumb to heaven. The day you learn the principle, power, and mystery of conversing with God, your life takes a new turn for the better.

If you read your bible very well, you will come across many men and women of God who head and heeded God’s voice. Noah heard God’s voice.

Abraham heard God’s voice. Moses heard God’s voice. Isaiah heard God’s voice. Jeremiah heard God’s voice. Ezekiel heard God’s voice. Daniel heard God’s voice.

Elijah heard God’s voice. John the Baptist heard God’s voice. All these prophets in the Bible heard the voice of the Lord.

It is in this generation that people do not hear God anymore because they are not serious enough to hear Him

Do everything in your power to hear from God because the closer you move to God, the closer He also comes to you. The farther you move away from Him, the much farther He goes away from you.

James 4;8 says, “Draw nigh to God, He will draw nigh to you. Cleans your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

God’s legs are longer than yours such that if He moves back one step, He goes very far away from you

Dangers Of Not Hearing From God

Samuel as a small boy heard the voice of the Lord. If some women and men had heard the voice of God they would not have married the spouses they married.

If some people had heard the voice of the Lord, they won’t put their money in that business that failed. If those students had heard the voice of the Lord, they would not have failed that examination.

There is a great danger in not hearing the voice of the Lord. When you don’t hear the voice of the Lord, you will not understand what is going on in your life.

You will also be ignorant of what the Lord is saying. When you don’t hear the voice of the Lord, you will lack wisdom. You will just be talking from your brain and the capacity of the human brain is so severely limited.

When you don’t hear the voice of the Lord, you will take the wrong decisions. Most of your decisions will be based on emotions, the brain, or what you can see without knowing what is going to happen later.

When you don’t hear from the Lord, you will work in error. When you don’t hear from God, you will walk in disobedience, live a rebellious life and become inconsistent spiritually.

You will become a shallow Christian, others will be growing but you will remain stagnated. When you don’t hear from the Lord you will be controlled by your own flesh.

It is your flesh that will be giving you directives. When it says drink alcohol you drink. When it says smoke or commit fornication, you will obey because you do not hear from the Lord.

When you don’t hear from the Lord, a spiritual sickness called spiritual blindness, followed by spiritual deafness will plague you.

You will be grieving the Holy Spirit without knowing, and in the things of heaven, ignorance is not an excuse. Whether you know or do not know, if you drink poison, it will affect you.

Your ignorance will not remove the strength of the poison. When you don’t hear from God you suffer avoidable pains. When you don’t hear from the God you will live a confused life.

When you don’t hear from God you will live a life of prolonged infancy. It is when men and women do not hear from God that they go about looking for prophets to ask ‘what has God said?’, what do you see?.

It is better, safer and more glorious for you to learn the principles of hearing from God and begin to hear from Him than to hand over your destiny to the third party who knows nothing about your destiny.

Benefit Of Hearing From God

1: You will experience peace of mid

2: You will have divine direction

3: You will experience certainty of actions

4: Hearing from God is proof of your sonship.

5: You have the ability to do things that will always please God

6: Hearing from God is actually the deepest secret of prosperity

The reason is that He will tell you where to go, where to invest your money and where not to invest. So if you want to hire office intelligence, you had better hire the Holy Spirit.

7: It is a mark of endorsement.

The loss of signal is something to pray against. It is something you must never allow to happen as the consequences are unpalatable.

1 Samuel 28:6 says “And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams nor by Urim, nor by prophets”

This means that prophets may sometimes run into trouble with God because there are some people with whom God has cut off His lines of communication.

God has switched off their telephones so, they cannot get any information from Him. If God cuts off communication with a person and a prophet tries to connect, he will definitely run into an error.

The Example Of Saul

A true prophet may sometimes have difficulty with a person, a place or thing because God is not saying anything. The problem, in this case, is not with the prophet but with the person that God has disconnected from.

It means that there is a divine blackout against the person. Saul made moves to reach God but he could not. He tried directly and it did not work.

He tried the channel of dreams, Urim, and prophets but none worked because he was blacked out by God.  Each time he tried to tune in, there was no signal.

Was it a sin to enquire from the Lord?. Certainly not, so why did God not answer him?. The problem was not with the channels but with the man. God is still using these channels to speak to people. Why Did the Holy Spirit Depart From King Saul?

If you are not hearing the voice of  God clearly, the fault is not from heaven but you. The lines are still active but when it gets to some people’s turn the signal are lost.

All the channels were working but God would not have them say anything anymore to Saul. Why? because Saul had done nothing with the previous signals he received.

Why would God not want to talk to some people?. It is because their obedience is not complete. The things He has been telling you through His prophets and through the Holy Spirit, you have done nothing with them.

It is rebellion and it makes your line dead. Unfortunately, it is when the lines go dead that people normally need it most.

When your heart is not right with God and you want to hide under prophetic anointing, God will seal up the prophet mouth and if you push him too far, He will give you counterfeit information.

God was showing Saul his sins but each time he would excuse himself and blame others. One of the most difficult things for some people to do is to point accusing fingers to themselves.

Such people would hardly say, oh I am sorry, it was my fault or I was wrong. Are you like that and always blaming others?.

If you are like that you are asking for the signals of heaven to switched off from you.

God told Saul to destroy the Amalekites, male and female, animals totally but he disobeyed and preserved all the things that were good and appealing to him.

Half obedience to God is 100% disobedience, 99% obedience is 100% disobedience with God. Saul disobeyed and instead of begging for forgiveness when the prophet Samuel confronted him, he thought he would rationalize his sin.

Are you like that? Saul was unrepentant, self-excusing and a dignified sinner. Your case may be different from that of Saul but the bottom line is, there are some people whom God has shut off their frequencies.

These are people to whom He will not speak irrespective of the prophetic channels through which they are connected. Hearing from God makes you confident on what to do.

If you are a prophet and you discover that some people come to you but tour prophetic computer blanks out each time you feed their names into the system, the problem may not be you or the computer but the name you are feeding into the system.


The solution is discipline. You need spiritual discipline if you desire to hear from God.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Discipline is what the modern day man needs most. Unfortunately, he does not want it. Many people have HIV due to indiscipline.” quote=”Discipline is what the modern day man needs most. Unfortunately, he does not want it. Many people have HIV due to indiscipline.”]


Many children drop out of school due to indiscipline. Church members neglect sermons and instructions due to indiscipline. Drugs many people are hooked up with or swallowing because of one ailment or the other is due to indiscipline.

People do not want to tow the lone of Jehovah. Numerous books have been written to confront indiscipline but the truth is that discipline is the key to power. It is also the mark of maturity.

It is the key to hearing from God. Discipline covers appetite, temperament, sexual urge, emotions, affections, mood, speech or lifestyle in general.

It takes discipline to refrain from speaking when you know you want to talk. God is looking for disciplined people who will say “I am for Jesus and it takes discipline to accomplish this.


1: I bing and cast out every spirit of disobedient in the name of Jesus

2: Spiritual deafness I am not your candidate lose your hold in the name of Jesus

3: Opposition in my full-scale laughter scatter in the name of Jesus

4: Power to rise above my enemies fall upon me in the name of Jesus

5: Yoke of almost there, break in the name of Jesus[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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