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Quenching The Rage Of Darkness Is Your Enemy 9 prayers To Defeat It


Anchored Scriptures: Psalm 2:1, Psalm 7:6, Revelation 12:12

We want to look at some interesting scriptures tonight and it’s important you follow me as I look at them.

From these scriptures, we will draw out lessons and rage we will pray quenching prayers.

The psalmist, Psalm 7:6 is positioning the anger of God to fight the rage of the enemy. He understood warfare. He knew that when there is rage; we need a greater rage to deal with that rage.

Read Also: Prayers That Brings Death Sentence Upon Wicked Pursuers

When there is a strong man, we need a stronger man to deal with that strongman. The reason he is provoking the anger of God is that he has noticed that there is a rage against him.

Look at Revelation 12:12, this is how the rage started. One prayer you can pray for yourself is that the short time of the devil shall not prosper in my life in the name of Jesus!

Technically, there is a raging battle going on. As you sit here, it’s going on. There are places in the spiritual realm where negotiation is going on in some people’s lives.

There is a discussion going on, a gathering going on. That is why Isaiah prayed that dangerous prayer ‘associated yourself O ye people, speak the word and it shall not stand. Isaiah 8:9-10

There is a battle going on every day right now. There is a battle:

1. Between the right and the wrong,

2. Between light and darkness,

3. Between the real and counterfeit,

4. Between evil and good,

5. Between negative and positive.

If you don’t believe it, no problem is not relevant. If your pastor has told you, you shouldn’t worry, it really doesn’t change the fact that there is a battle going on.

There is a plan of the enemy to shortcut people’s destiny. You may be neutral but you cannot be neutral. Jesus said it loud and clear that there is no middle ground.

He who is not for us is against us. Whether you’re an evil worshipper, an idol worshipper, but the stand of God remains the same.

We were born into this battle, we cannot opt out. The world is not like when you enter the bus where you can stop at any time or stop the vehicle.

You are on it and part. You cannot opt out. There is a fiercely contested conflict going on. Our enemy is a trained strategist and an obstinate fighter. The enemy will only yield what will be yielded.

Therefore, those who understand warfare take their ground step by step. The job of any man of God is really a compassionate one.

Sometimes angry Spirit contests with the man of God for setting their captives free.

Demon 051, who sent you back here? Sis Deborah sent me back. Demon 052, who sent you here? Sis Deborah sent me back. Angry spirit will rage against that person.

Therefore, be praying for your pastors. Sometimes during counseling, you will wonder why are they furious against this person?

G. O narrates a real-life incident:

We prayed for a woman some time ago, and a demon spoke from her mouth: Man of God, don’t waste your time, we have finished her a long time ago. We have eaten her.

She supposes to be here sometime like ten years ago but we have eaten her up.

Many didn’t know that an evil spirit can act in a rage. We were traveling some time ago. We saw a mass accident in front of us. I was watching the incident.

There was no tyre burst and suddenly it (the vehicle) somersaulted and blood was flowing.

A woman dead, husband dead, driver dead and all three children dead. Any rage here against anyone shall scatter in the name of Jesus!

When these spirit act in a rage, they exhibit unthinkable madness and wickedness.

G. O narrates another real-life incident:

A woman came here early January from America. She had six children, four were dead. She rushed the two here for prayers so they too will not die.

A demon spoke out of the two children that were brought. It said: you’re too late; we have already eaten up these people that brought us here.

Their organ is already in the coven. I said why are you doing these. They said because their grandmother handed them over, 19 years ago. I said leave them alone; they said no. After several prayers, we quenched the rage.

When they (demons) act in that rage, what they do can be terrible. In spite of what they do, a very discernible person will observe that what they are doing is very intelligent and they fully aware of what they are doing.

They are operating in the fullness of malice and hatred against people:
1. Immediately your destiny is a global destiny,

2. Immediately a destiny will rewrite his or her family history,

3. Immediately that destiny that will cause you to be celebrated,

4. Immediately that destiny will hinder the works of darkness; they will go into a terrible rage.

The psalmist saw this rage, and he was fully aware of it.

When God watches that rage and you too provoke the rage of God; then He will use the weapon and smite them with a rod of iron.

I see someone tonight, your raging enemy shall be dashed to pieces in the name of Jesus!

Have you ever seen a mad cow? That is how they operate. They act with determination, with fury and undying persistence and using very skillful methods.

Only prayer warfare can arrest those raging spirit. Warfare prayers will hold up the victory of Jesus over the holds of men just as Moses’ hand was held up.

Those warfare prayers are directed to the host of Hell. You have directed it to the host of Hell.

Jesus gave us a wonderful example when he got to the tomb of Lazarus. He prayed a gentle prayer to the father after he had said that; the Bible says He shouted with a loud voice.

We can find all the miracles that Jesus performed in the Old Testament.

The only thing not found in the Old Testament is the way he dealt with evil spirits. Any believer with no knowledge of warfare is joking with his or her destiny.

I never cease to get amazed at the story of the madman of Gadara. The man had six thousand demons in him. One demon is bad enough.

It gives us a sign of how much demonic load a human can cope with and still be standing. Beautiful but loaded, Well dressed but loaded by spirits of darkness inside the person.

The question I kept asking is that this madman of Gadara, what has he done that six thousand demons will be put into the life of one man? Mary Magdalene had just seven demons.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Try, to understand this beloved, a spirit of witchcraft can never repent. Demons in an actual sense are defying God. They will never make peace with God.” quote=”Try, to understand this beloved, a spirit of witchcraft can never repent. Demons in an actual sense are defying God. They will never make peace with God.”]

They know they’re going to hellfire, but they want to pull a crowd.

Any woman who is playing/befriending the devil is digging her own grave. The battle between the devil and the woman is still going on.

A woman standing and three evil spirits standing with her, and she’s still wearing trouser.

Go to the coven, the largest number of people are women. There is an enemy raging against them who do not want them to fulfill their mandate.

There are demons who do not want to kill the person. They will suck the person dry. Some will kill the person and waste their destiny.

Bottom line, today, the prayers we will pray will focus against these raging powers. The world is becoming a very dangerous place. Evil powers are getting stronger and stronger  we need to be aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place around us?.

God rescued a brother from a kidnappers den. What he told me was heartbroken. He said he counted how many people they cut to pieces every day.

Some, it is just to cut off their hearts. Where he was sitting but they couldn’t touch him. Did he wonder that, are these people human beings?

Tonight is the night to quench these rages. Rise to your feet’s and all eyes closed

Don’t worry about the wordings of the prayers. Just pray like a woman or man from another world.


1. Powers assigned to shed human or animal blood to terminate my destiny, expire in the name of Jesus.

2. Rod of iron from God, arise: scatter my enemies in the name of Jesus.

3. Powers assigned to waste my greatness, what are you waiting for: die in the name of Jesus.

4. Every witchcraft basket arrayed to empty my destiny, expire in the name of Jesus.

5. The battle of ‘nobody can favor you’, die in the name of Jesus.

The next three prayers require boiling anger.

6. Any power climbing evil mountain to curse me, somersault and die in the name of Jesus

7. Powers assigned to close my fountain of joy, run mad and die in the name of Jesus

8. The charms of my enemy shall make them run mad in the name of Jesus.

9. Every raging star of disappointment holding my name, catch fire in the name of Jesus

All credit to Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tweetmeme share_via=”@ImafidonDavid5″ share_recommend=”@ImafidonDavid5″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Tags: rage

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